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How to get rid of cladophora algae

January 23, 2025 1 min read

How to get rid of cladophora algae

Cladophora appears as tough filaments or green turfs in areas of high light and poor current. They are tougher than ordinary types of 'hair' algae and do not break apart as easily as other filamentous green algae. They can be recognised by their distinctive odour. This is a higher level algae that will not be deterred by healthy plant mass alone - although larger, more robust plants will out-compete it by shading it out. Mosses, fine carpets and slower growing plants are more susceptible overall. Overcrowded areas of old growth are also vulnerable.

Cladophora is often found entangled with smaller plants, such as carpets or mosses, while larger and faster growing plants deny them an anchor point. Changing the type of plants used in spots where the algae stubbornly refuses to go away can be a tactic to deny it a home.

Common Causes

  • Slow flow, high light dead spots

  • Slow growing, over-crowded spots

  • Decaying undergrowth


  • Manual removal, spot treat with FIXLITE.

  • Prune / remove old growth.

  • Improve flow in slow current areas

  • Increase growth rates by optimizing CO2, nutrient levels.

  • Reconfigure problem areas to feature larger, more robust plants.

Additional links:

Click here for information on how to solve algae problems without algicides.

Click here for information on how to do proper water changes for a planted tank.

Click here for information on how to stabilize a new planted tank quickly.


Cladophora algae