February 18, 2025 2 min read
Babysitter plants are hardy plants, such as Hemianthus glomeratus (Pearlweed), which are not intended for the final aquascape, but are introduced temporarily at the start for the first 1 to 3 weeks to help stabilise the new tank. They will be discarded when the tank is ready for the real tenants to move in.
This technique that has been used a long time by experienced aquarists.
While largely invisible to the human eye, a new tank's environment is a hostile, volatile one. Imagine the earth in its infancy!
Babysitter plants help accelerate the stabilisation of this invisible micro-biome. They also act as canaries in the coal mine:
Some finer points:
Above: Cryptocoryne 'flamingo' with staghorn algae. As a slow grower, it is similar to Hygrophila sp. chai (below) in being far more vulnerable to algae and 'melt'.
We recommend the "Dark Start" approach, which involves:
Why not a Dry Start, which involves growing plants in moist emersed conditions for a while first?
To help establish the tank's microbial ecology, it helps to seed the environment with beneficial bacteria, especially those involved in the breakdown of nitrogenous waste from fish and plants.