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How to get rid of staghorn algae

January 23, 2025 1 min read

How to get rid of staghorn algae

Staghorn algae appear as thick grey hairs on the edges of leaves. They can be difficult to remove by hand. They differ from BBA (black brush algae) in that BBA has a finer texture and is usually darker in colour.

Staghorn on crypt flamingo

When algae appear on plants rather than surfaces, it is always a sign that the plant is stressed or adapting to new conditions. Stressed plants release metabolites at their leaf margins and this encourages algae to attach.

What causes plant stress? The most common cause is when a plant is first introduced to an aquarium. The adaptation process is stressful as the plant has to reprogramme its enzymes to suit the new environment. In mature tanks, unstable CO2 levels, irregular fertilisation or a spike in ammonia/organic waste levels can cause plant stress.

Staghorn algae is commonly found attached to the edges of slow growing plants.

Common Causes

  • Plants adapting to a new aquarium environment

  • Plant stressed due to poor growth parameters

  • Plant stressed due to sudden environment chances


  • Trim off affect older leaves to make room for new growth

  • Have a regular maintenance/water change schedule

  • Have a regular fertilization schedule and stable CO2 

  • Pruning and replanting of healthy tops, discard old growth

  • Spot-dose with APT Fix directly on algae

  • Don't panic - it may be temporary and will pass 

Click here for information on how to solve algae problems without algicides.

Click here for information on how to do proper water changes for a planted tank.

Click here for information on how to stabilize a new planted tank quickly.